Can Tea Tree Oil Treat Skin Tags?

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If you’re thinking of removing any skin tags, there are several options for you to consider. Unlike most skin conditions, skin tags fall into the cosmetic category because they don’t pose a specific medical issue. However, they often snag on clothing or jewellery, which causes bleeding or irritation. Surgery is a popular choice for removing them but also an expensive choice. We'll explore some affordable and effective options...

There’s a common alternative from the homoeopathic side of the aisle, and people are using it to treat skin tags. Tea tree oil has various dermatological uses, such as acne treatment or as an antifungal. But how effective is using tea tree oil for removing skin tags?

Tea Tree Oil Treatment for Skin Tags

We won’t delve into too much detail about what tea tree oil is, other than to highlight its mass appeal. It hails from Australia, but you’ll find it all over the world. At TagBand, we’re supportive of looking at different ways of treatment, as long as they’re safe. Moreover, we need to know if they work or not, which requires a scientific approach.

With this in mind, let’s start by saying that it’s always a good idea to look into alternative methods in relation to surgery. That’s because having skin tags surgically removed can cost several hundred pounds, depending on the number of growths in question. The advantage of surgery is the results – you’ll see them straight away.

From reading extensively on the use of tea tree oil on skin tags, it isn’t easy to get any reliable data on timings. There’s a vacuum of research into this area, and the consensus is it could take numerous applications for any results.

It’s difficult to know the exact cost of using tea tree oil as a treatment for skin tags when you consider this. Is any skincare therapy process worth it when you might not see the results for weeks or months? Then you’ll have to weigh up the real cost of this treatment, as you’re likely to go through many bottles of it.

Is Tea Tree Oil an Effective Treatment?

From what we understand, it’s not a particularly effective treatment for skin tag removals. It can take a long time, and there’s no guarantee it will work for all skin types. Or, whether it will work at all. Furthermore, there are even some risks to consider when using tea tree oil; some are genuinely concerning.

Tea tree oil’s chemical composition alters during oxidization, where it can become very toxic. Additionally, it’s poisonous, so you need to avoid the mouth area. There’s also a possibility of an allergic reaction, so you need to do a patch test a day or two before you start treatment. This isn’t a resounding success story from our initial research.

Say what you want about surgery and the costs involved, but you can’t fault its efficacy. It works, the results are evident straight away, and there are rarely any complications. The only sticking point is the price which puts it out of reach for most of us. However, there’s another skin tag removal method known as ligation. The NHS recommends this method for home removal of skin tags. And this is the method we use at TagBand.

Tag Band – AN Affordable METHOD TO REMOVE Skin Tags

The TagBand removal kit uses the ligation process, which cuts off the blood flow to the skin tag. The growth dries up and falls off naturally. You can check out the video on this link for a demonstration of how this works.

The TagBand skin tag removal kits are available to purchase from £16.95, and there are a few to choose from which depend on the size of your skin tag or tags. Each pack includes ten Tag bands, which you can replace with a refill pack when you run out. We offer a money-back guarantee on all orders, allowing you to try the kit risk free.

The TagBand team’s primary concern is the safe removal of skin tags. And if using tea tree oil as a means to that end, we’d happily suggest it. Unfortunately, the evidence isn’t there, and we wouldn’t be able to recommend this as a credible alternative to surgery or other techniques, such as the ligation method we use.

For more information about our products, click here. If you have any questions, please contact us directly for more details on skin tags and our products.